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Greek Old Testament NTMSS

Greek Old Testament for Use With the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection

for Windows

for Macintosh

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Welcome to the Greek Old Testament for Use With the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection. The Old Testament texts have now been formatted for use with each of the Greek font collections in the unique New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection. When you are representing the original hand of these early Greek manuscripts and inscriptions you now can copy portions of the Old Testament and format them to represent these original hands using any of the Greek fonts in the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection (sold individually or as a complete collection).

The texts are supplied both with and without verse references. This makes it easy to locate specific passages, and to format large passages as they are represented in the actual manuscripts or inscriptions. For example, Codex Sinaiticus has no verse references in it. The opening of Genesis can easily be formatted that way:

Genesis 1:1-5 in the SinaiticusLS font, without verse references

But the texts are also supplied with verse references, to make it easier to locate and use specific passages.

Genesis 1:1-5 in the SinaiticusLS font, with verse references

See the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection for samples of all 10 supported manuscripts/inscriptions, namely Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Washingtonianus, Codex Bezae, P46, P66, POxy4401, P39, and the Konya inscriptions.

The Greek Old Testament NTMSS is available for either Windows or Macintosh. The texts are formatted for easy collaboration between Windows and Macintosh users.

Also available: Greek New Testament for Use With the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection.

Greek Old Testament NTMSS for Windows

Greek Old Testament NTMSS for Windows

The complete Greek Old Testament, formatted as Word documents, for use with the fonts included in the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection (sold individually or as a complete collection). The texts do not include breathing marks, accents, or other diacritics (even though they were added to some of these manuscripts later), but can be added where necessary, with those fonts that support them. Any portion of the Old Testament can be copied and pasted into other documents.

Windows System Requirements:

Cost: US$ 59.95 Order
Cost: US$ 99.95 for both the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament NTMSS when ordered at the same time.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

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Greek Old Testament NTMSS for Macintosh

Greek Old Testament NTMSS for Macintosh

The complete Greek Old Testament, formatted as text documents, for use with the fonts included in the New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection (sold individually or as a complete collection). The texts do not include breathing marks, accents, or other diacritics (even though they were added to some of these manuscripts later), but can be added where necessary, with those fonts that support them. Any portion of the Old Testament can be copied and pasted into other documents.

Macintosh System Requirements:

Cost: US$ 59.95 Order
Cost: US$ 99.95 for both the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament NTMSS when ordered at the same time.



Here's what others are saying about the Greek Old Testament NTMSS Here's what others are saying about the Greek Old Testament NTMSS:

"Thank you very much for your help and explanations. I love your products."
Michael J. Rowe, Barensville, GA

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