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Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.


Type More Than 130 Latin-Based Languages!

for Windows

for Macintosh

What others are saying What others are saying

The TransRoman font contains the character set for typing more than 130 languages in any word processor. In includes forty-one (41) overstriking accents and diacritical mark keys that may be typed in any combination, and includes a mini-space key to allow fine adjustment of the overstriking accents. The product includes a keyboard driver providing four characters per key instead of the normal two, making it easy to type all the diacritical marks.

TransRoman is available for both Windows and Macintosh.

Languages Supported By TransRoman

Languages Supported By TransRoman

TransRoman includes the complete character sets for the following languages:

  • bulletAll Roman-based European languages: Albanian, Anglo-Saxon, Aranese, Basque, Catalonian, Croatian, Czech (Bohemian), Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Frisian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Lappish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Occitan, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh, Wendish;
  • bulletThe following American Indian languages: Caddoan, Chippewa (Ojibway and Otchipwe), Choctaw, Cree, Dakota (Sioux), Eskimo, Hupa, Iroquoian, Kalispel, Kwakiutl, Maidu, Muskokee (Creek), Navaho, Osage, Tsimshian, Zuñi;
  • bulletThe following African languages: Acholi, Afrikaans, Anyi, Ashanti, Bantu (Zulu, Xosa), Bobangi, Buluba-Lulua, Chikaranga, Fulani-Adamawa, Gã, Kanuri, Kongo, Lu-Ganda, Masai, Mashona (Chiswina), Mole, Namaquah-Hottentot, Nyika, Shuna, Swahili, Tebele, Temne, Umbundu, Wolof, Yao, Yoruba, and Zulu-Kafir; and
  • bulletOther languages: Creole, Esperanto, Hawaiian, Hmong, Samoan, Tagalog, and Tongan. Occitan dialects, including Auvernhat, Gascon, Langue d'òc, Languedocien (Lengadocian), Limousin (Lemosin), Provençal, and Vivaro-alpin (Alpine, Vivaro-alpenc).

TransRoman differs from TransSlavic by not covering Roman Azerbaijani and Lappish. In addition, its keyboard layout is optimized for west European languages. Available in Times®-, Helvetica®-, Palatino®-, Garamond-, and Chancery-styles.

TransRoman for Windows

TransRoman for Windows

TrueType® and Type 1 fonts in plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles for typing over 130 languages. Forty-one (41) overstriking accent and diacritical mark keys may be typed in any combination. Includes a mini-space to allow fine adjustment of the overstriking accents. Includes a keyboard driver providing easy access to all diacritical marks.

System Requirements: The TrueType® fonts install into Microsoft® Windows 10, 8, Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, or NT, and work with all Windows applications that allow the user to select fonts from a font menu. The product includes a User's Manual and keyboard layout chart(s). The included keyboard driver(s) allows access to four characters per key (instead of the normal two) and alternate keyboard layouts. All documentation is in PDF format, available on the Windows Start menu, and can be viewed and/or printed using Adobe Reader. The fonts will print to any printer at the highest quality allowed by your printer.

A custom version (fonts only) is available for Linux, but Linux users must provide alternate keyboard input for characters in the extended character set. If you are ordering for Linux be sure to select the Linux box on the Order Form.

Cost: US$ 99.95 for a single typestyle (Times®-, Helvetica®-, Palatino®-, Garamond-, or Chancery-style); $149.95 for any two typestyles; $199.95 for any three typestyles; or $249.95 for all five typestyles. (The $50 discounted price for additional typestyles applies only to additional typestyles of this product for Windows.) Order

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

See below for Samples.

TransRoman for Macintosh

TransRoman for Macintosh

Type 1 and TrueType plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic fonts, for typing over 130 Roman-based languages.

The TransRoman keyboard arrangement permits typing all French, German, and Spanish characters without using the option key.

Comes with EuroScript® on-the-fly keyboard conversion templates (for use only in OS9) which give the most convenient possible typing of all of the accents in the most commonly used Roman languages. EuroScript allows you to type the accents and special characters of 21 European languages using only the semicolon and slash keys to produce all their special characters. For example, all of the diacritical marks of Romanian can be produced just by typing a semicolon after a letter with which that diacritical mark is associated. Just open your word processor, turn on the appropriate script and start typing!


Cost: US$ 99.95 for a single typestyle (Times®-, Helvetica®-, Palatino®-, Garamond-, or Chancery-style); $149.95 for any two typestyles; $199.95 for any three typestyles; or $249.95 for all five typestyles. (The $50 discounted price for additional typestyles applies only to additional typestyles of this product for Macintosh.) Order

See below for Samples.

TransRoman Samples

TransRoman Samples


TransRoman font sample

These overstrikes may be placed over/under any other character, in any combination.

TransRoman font sample showing the overstrikes in the font

TransRoman Sans

TransRoman Sans font sample

TransRoman Pala

TransRoman Pala font sample

TransRoman Gara

TransRoman Gara font sample

TransRoman Chan

TransRoman Chan font sample



Here's what others are saying about TransRoman Here's what others are saying about TransRoman:

"After all you did for me, I have no more words to thank you; let me simply say in my mother tongue: J'aimerais vous exprimer ici toute l'admiration et la gratitude que je ressens devant ce magnifique ouvrage qu'est Linguist's Software, vous assurer de mon entière reconnaissance pour toutes les fontes que vous m'avez permis d'acquérir et vous dire combien j'ai apprécié vos courriels, si précis, rapides et courtois. Je souhaite longue et belle vie à la société si précieuse que vous avez fondée et vous prie d'agréer, cher Monsieur, mes bien cordiales salutations."
Jean Lathion, Thônex, Switzerland

"Many congratulations, Philip, for the incredible font families you have created. Your fonts are really the best."
Professor Federico Giuntoli, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Vatican, Rome, Italy

"Thank you for your beautiful fonts. You can of course quote my words: that's the truth!"
Jean Lathion, Collonge-Bellerive, Switzerland

"For years now I've loved your fonts - they're simply the best. Nothing on the market, whether free or for purchase, comes close."
Dr. Ron Giese, Desert Springs Church, Albuquerque, NM, USA

"I have used Linguist's Software fonts for twenty years now and have always been pleased. They are a genuine help in my ministry."
Dr. Judith L. Hill, Evangelical School of Theology, Bangui, Central African Republic

"the fonts are absolutely wonderful. I am so impressed. It makes a massive difference to the presentation, and I feel really privileged to have them."
K Brown, Cambridge University

"Thank you for the prompt, clear, effective, and good-natured telephone help today in response to my inquiry regarding TransRoman/Mac (typing an 'i' with a macron). It is deeply appreciated."
Michael O'Hare, Benedictine College, Kansas

"I use your TransRoman font for entering Czech text into music and have been very pleased with it - especially with the ease of use the EuroScript provides. I'm sure I'll be just as happy with the IPA font."
Tom Godfrey - Music Engraver, Chicago, IL

"I love your products!!!! They have been a great help and a blessing to me! I love the TransRoman font [for Macintosh] with the addition of EuroScript. It made typing in Polish and Icelandic an absolute joy!"
Jamie Pritchett, The Good News Coloring Book Ministry, Merritt Island, FL

"The documentation is written in a clear and straightforward manner--something I appreciate very much. Thank you once again for your superb assistance. I have relayed my good fortune to a PageMaker person in Australia and he wants to know more about Linguist's Software and to share information about it and your web site with multilingual acquaintances and friends Down Under."
Jeanette Nakada, Lincoln, Nebraska

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