
See what our customers say about our products and servicesSee what our customers say about our products and services.


Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.

Greek Old Testament with Tags in Unicode

Now Get The Greek Old Testament with Tags in Unicode

for Windows

for Macintosh

What are others saying about these fonts? What are others saying?

Now you can get the entire text of the Septuagint (LXX) word by word with grammatical identification and dictionary form of each word straight through the entire text, formatted with Unicode encoding. The grammatical tags and dictionary forms are licensed from the CCAT. These texts are formatted with the beautiful SymbolGreekU font, but users may reformat the texts with any of the LaserGreek in Unicode fonts (sold separately).

Greek Old Testament in Unicode for Windows with Grammatical Tags

Greek Old Testament in Unicode for Windows with Grammatical Tags

Windows System Requirements:

  • bulletRequires Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, or 2000 SP3
  • bulletRequires a Unicode-compatible word processor such as Microsoft® Word.
  • bulletRequires one of the Linguist's Software LaserGreek® in Unicode for Windows® font products. The texts are provided in Word .doc format, which can be read by Word 2000 or newer.
  • bulletThis LXX product does not include the fonts. You must buy one of the LaserGreek® in Unicode for Windows® font products, sold separately.

Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

For combination packages that contain this product plus other Bible study software, see our Scholar's Packages.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

See below for a Sample.

Greek Old Testament in Unicode for Macintosh with Grammatical Tags

Greek Old Testament in Unicode for Macintosh with Grammatical Tags

Macintosh System Requirements:

Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

For combination packages that contain this product plus other Bible study software, see our Scholar's Packages.

See below for a Sample.

Greek Old Testament with Grammatical Tags in Unicode Sample

Greek Old Testament with Grammatical Tags in Unicode Sample

The Greek Old Testament with Tags in Unicode, showing Genesis 1:1-2 using the SymbolGreekU font
The Greek Old Testament with Tags in Unicode, showing Genesis 1:1-2 using the SymbolGreekU font



Here's what others are saying about Greek Old Testament with Grammatical Tags in Unicode Here's what others are saying about Greek Old Testament with Grammatical Tags in Unicode:

"After all you did for me, I have no more words to thank you; let me simply say in my mother tongue: J'aimerais vous exprimer ici toute l'admiration et la gratitude que je ressens devant ce magnifique ouvrage qu'est Linguist's Software, vous assurer de mon entière reconnaissance pour toutes les fontes que vous m'avez permis d'acquérir et vous dire combien j'ai apprécié vos courriels, si précis, rapides et courtois. Je souhaite longue et belle vie à la société si précieuse que vous avez fondée et vous prie d'agréer, cher Monsieur, mes bien cordiales salutations."
Jean Lathion, Thônex, Switzerland

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