
See what our customers say about our products and servicesSee what our customers say about our products and services.


Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.

LaserHebrew® in Unicode

Now get the beautiful LaserHebrew fonts in a Unicode-encoded version!

Designed for Windows for Windows

Designed for Macintosh for Macintosh
What are others saying about these fonts? What are others saying?


Now you can type right to left accented Hebrew with proper line wrap, full justification, and automatic positioning of vowel points and accents/cantillation marks as you type.

Get the only fonts available today which reproduce all forms, properly positioned, that occur in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia/Leningrad Codex! LaserHebrew® in Unicode™ is available in five typestyles. The fonts are high-quality, Unicode-encoded Hebrew fonts in TrueType® format for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish. Four of the typestyles (NewJerusalemU, MoriahU, RamahU, ShilohU) contain all vowel points, accents, dageshim, diacritical marks, and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and in the Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ), plus other diacritical symbols and the additional characters needed for Yiddish. Here is a sample of the NewJerusalemU font.

The NewJerusalemU font showing some of the diacritics required to type the Hebrew Scriptures, here showing Ex 20:4

Each font has a corresponding font (NewJerusalemCU, MoriahCU, RamahCU, ShilohCU) that contains cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications. This sample shows the alternate cantillation marks in the NewJerusalemCU font.

Exodus 20:4 in the NewJerusalemCU font showing the cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications

The NewJerusalemU product set includes a third font, NewJerusalemLU, which is the same as NewJerusalemU, except it contains a "U-shaped" yerah ben yomo, the form used in the Leningrad Codex.

The final font, ScriptHebrewU, is consonantal only, but contains vowels for Yiddish. All of these Hebrew fonts also include the Latin 1 and Extended Latin character sets providing English and other western languages such as French and German, and they support the modern Hebrew code page 1255.

Users can now type right to left with proper line wrap and full justification of the Hebrew text. The fonts include OpenType layout features that provide automatic positioning of the vowel points and accents/cantillation marks as you type. The user may switch back and forth between Hebrew, English, and the other supported languages simply by toggling between the included Hebrew and English software keyboard resources (keyboard drivers). When you select the Hebrew keyboard, input will automatically be right to left. When you select the English keyboard, the input direction will automatically change to left to right. Users may combine Hebrew with text from any other language supported by your computer's Operating System. All this can be done with your regular physical keyboard; you do not need to buy a special keyboard to use LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts.

The LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts are distinctive in that they include all of the vowel points, accents, cantillation marks, and other diacritics and special symbols occurring in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta. As far as we know, no other font supports ALL characters and diacritics found in the BHS, and is able to properly position the diacritics as they are found in the published text of the BHS. Here are some of the special forms used in the Hebrew Scriptures.

.Some of the special characters required to support the BHS

LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts even support the rarely used multi-vowel/accent combinations necessary to type the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:4 showing some of the double vowel, double accented combinations unique to the Ten Commandments

The Unicode-encoding of these fonts means the Windows and Macintosh fonts are completely compatible. Documents may be freely exchanged between Windows and Macintosh users, with no conversion or special handling necessary, as long as the fonts are installed and each user has a compatible application. (Please be sure you understand the System Requirements for Windows and Macintosh before you order.)

Languages supported by LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows and Macintosh:

  • bulletAfrikaans
  • bulletBasque
  • bulletCatalan
  • bulletDanish
  • bulletDutch
  • bulletEnglish
  • bulletFinnish
  • bulletFrench
  • bulletGerman
  • bulletHebrew
  • bulletIcelandic
  • bulletIndonesian
  • bulletItalian
  • bulletNorwegian
  • bulletPortuguese
  • bulletSpanish
  • bulletSwedish
  • bulletYiddish
  • plus additional languages covered by code page 1252

Product Sets Available in the LaserHebrew in Unicode Product Series:

Individual sets cost US$99.95; each additional set purchased for that platform (Windows or Macintosh) at the same time as the first set is only $50; or purchase all sets together for one platform as LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for $249.95.

LaserHebrew in Unicode is also available in combination packages at discounted prices:

Please be sure you read the System Requirements for Windows or for Macintosh before ordering. Order

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Font Samples:

A single font sample is shown below for each font. Links to additional font samples will open in a new browser window and will give you a greater appreciation for the beauty of these Hebrew fonts. These additional samples will show you larger portions of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Latin 1 character set, and more. The samples are on separate popup pages because the graphics are quite large and will open slowly if you have a slow dial-up connection.

LaserHebrew NewJerusalemU in Unicode
$99.95 (or $50 when ordered with another full-priced set for the same platform) Order
The first Hebrew font shown below, NewJerusalemU, closely matches the shapes and weights of the characters and accents in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Hebrew Scriptures/Tanach. This beautiful font is being used to produce the new Oxford Hebrew Bible, and is the perfect font for reproducing the Hebrew Scriptures. The second font included in the product, NewJerusalemCU, is like NewJerusalemU, but has cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications. The third font included in the product, NewJerusalemLU, is like NewJerusalemU, except it contains a "U-shaped" yerah ben yomo, the form used in the Leningrad Codex. This replaces the "V-shaped" version of the character, as used in the BHS.

  • bulletNewJerusalemU
    NewJerusalemU(more samples)
  • bulletNewJerusalemCU
    NewJerusalemCU(more samples)
  • bulletNewJerusalemLU 
    NewJerusalemLU contains a "U-shaped" yerah ben yomo, the form used in the Leningrad Codex.(The same as NewJerusalemU, but with a "U-shaped" yerah ben yomo.)

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LaserHebrew MoriahU in Unicode
$99.95 (or $50 when ordered with another full-priced set for the same platform) Order
MoriahU is a flowing, elegant modern Hebrew typeface that is also appropriate for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. The MoriahCU font, also included in the product, is like MoriahU, but contains cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications.

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LaserHebrew RamahU in Unicode
$99.95 (or $50 when ordered with another full-priced set for the same platform) Order
RamahU is a popular modern Hebrew typeface that is also suitable for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. The RamahCU font, also included in the product, is like RamahU, but contains cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications.

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LaserHebrew ShilohU in Unicode
$99.95 (or $50 when ordered with another full-priced set for the same platform) Order
ShilohU is another popular modern Hebrew typeface that is also appropriate for representing the Hebrew Scriptures. The ShilohCU font, also included in the product, is like ShilohU, but contains cantillation forms commonly used in Hebrew publications.

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LaserHebrew ScriptHebrewU in Unicode
$99.95 (or $50 when ordered with another full-priced set for the same platform) Order
ScriptHebrewU is a popular modern Hebrew consonantal typeface, representing modern Hebrew handwriting. It supports the Unicode standard for modern Hebrew and Yiddish.

  • bulletScriptHebewU
    Exodus 1:20 demonstrated with the ScriptHebrewU font
    The Hebrew alphabet in ScriptHebrewU, showing with and without the vowel points
    (No additional samples of ScriptHebrewU are provided, since the above fully demonstrates the Hebrew portion of the font. The Latin section of the font is the same as shown in the popup samples for the other typestyles in the product.)

LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode
$249.95 Order

bulletIncludes the complete contents of all LaserHebrew in Unicode product sets listed above, for one platform (Windows or Macintosh).

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Read here about the Windows product, or scroll down for the Macintosh product.


LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows provides high-quality, Unicode-encoded Hebrew fonts (described above) in TrueType® format for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish, for typing right to left with proper line wrap and full justification. The fonts include OpenType layout features that provide automatic positioning of vowel points and accents/cantillation marks as you type, and the fonts make use of the OpenType shaping engine (Uniscribe) built into Windows. LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows includes four keyboard layouts that provide four-characters-per-key input (instead of the normal two) in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000.

bulletThe HebrewLS keyboard layout is for Hebrew, providing phonetic input with easy, intuitive access to all Hebrew vowels, accents and cantillation marks, and special Yiddish characters. This layout allows the user to type in regular Hebrew order, that is, consonant, vowel, accent. Double vowels and accents used in the Hebrew Scriptures are also supported. Gothic letters (representing manuscripts and texts related to the Hebrew Scriptures), Greek letters (used to identify versions of the Hebrew Bible), and punctuation, are all supported by this keyboard.

bulletThe HebrewLS Israeli keyboard layout follows the general layout of the Microsoft Hebrew keyboard, with the addition of vowels. It also covers Yiddish. This layout will be familiar to users of Hebrew Windows. Like the Microsoft layout, it does not support accents or cantillation marks.

bulletThe EnglishLS OT keyboard layout allows the user to type English and other western Latin-based languages easily, taking advantage of the OpenType features in the font. The typing order is letter-accent; the keyboard driver automatically positions the accent as it is typed. It allows the user to toggle from one of the HebrewLS keyboards into the EnglishLS OT keyboard and type English, French, German, Spanish, etc., without changing fonts. The EnglishLS OT keyboard is supported by the same applications that support the HebrewLS keyboard.

bulletThe EnglishLS keyboard layout allows the user to type English and other western Latin-based languages easily, using dead key input. The user types a dead key representing the accent, and nothing appears to happen on screen. Then the user types the letter to be accented and the keyboard driver places the accented letter in the document. It allows the user to toggle from one of the HebrewLS keyboards into the EnglishLS keyboard and type English, French, German, Spanish, etc., without changing fonts. The EnglishLS keyboard is supported by any Unicode-compatible application.

bulletClick this link for a pop-up window showing these four keyboard layouts.

Windows System Requirements:

  • bulletOperating Systems
    1. bulletRequires Windows 10, 8, 7, Windows Vista
    1. bulletThis product will not work in any earlier version of Windows.
  • bulletApplications
    1. bulletRequires Microsoft Word, InDesign CS4 or newer, or CS4-ME or newer, LibreOffice, or OpenOffice, or another Unicode-aware and OpenType-compatible application that similarly handles Hebrew vowels and accents.
    2. bulletInDesign CS4 with World Tools or ScribeDOOR installed is compatible for vocalized text and most accented text.
    3. bulletQuarkXPress 8.02 has been tested, and does not support Hebrew vowels and accents. It is not known if the ME version of QuarkXPress supports Hebrew vowels and accents.
    4. bulletNo version of WordPerfect (only tested through v12), no version of FrameMaker, and no version of PageMaker support LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows.
    5. bulletLibreOffice and OpenOffice are free (open source) office suites.
  • bulletNotes
    1. bulletThe fonts will print to any Windows printer at the highest quality allowed by the printer.
    2. bulletAll documentation, including Setup Instructions, a User's Manual, the Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys), and a Troubleshooting Manual, is in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF or Word format. Users may view the PDF documentation on screen or print it using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it.
    3. bulletFiles created with these fonts are compatible with the Macintosh version of LaserHebrew in Unicode. No conversion of files is necessary when transferring files to the Macintosh if the system and application requirements are met on both computers.

Purchase Now

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows Order

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows $99.95 for the first product set; $50 for each additional product set; or $249.95 for LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for Windows, containing all the fonts described above  Order (Please be sure you have read the System Requirements, above.)

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows Order

Hebrew Scriptures in Unicode for Windows, the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, authorized by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. The files are formatted as Word files using the NewJerusalemU font (sold separately), but may be ordered with, and used with any of the above fonts except ScriptHebrewU. $59.95 Order

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows Order

LaserHebrew in Unicode is also available in combination packages at discounted prices.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

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LaserHebrew in Unicode for Macintosh

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Macintosh provides high-quality, Unicode-encoded Hebrew fonts (described above) in TrueType® format for Biblical and modern Hebrew and Yiddish, for typing right to left with proper line wrap and full justification in Mellel. The fonts include OpenType layout features which provide automatic positioning of vowel points and accents/cantillation marks as you type. LaserHebrew in Unicode for Macintosh includes two Hebrew keyboard layouts—one phonetic and one Israeli. The user can switch between Hebrew and English just by pressing the caps lock key. Files created with these fonts are compatible with the Windows version of LaserHebrew in Unicode. No conversion of files is necessary when transferring files to Windows if the system and application requirements are met on both computers. See this link for a pop-up window showing the keyboard layouts.

Macintosh System Requirements:

  • bulletOperating Systems
    1. bulletRequires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher.
  • bulletApplications
    1. bulletRequires Microsoft Word 2011 or newer, Mellel, or InDesign.
    2. bulletInDesign CS5 and CS4 non-ME versions require installation of World Tools or ScribeDOOR.
    3. bullet Even applications that claim to be Unicode and OpenType compliant (e.g., QuarkXPress 7.0 and newer) may only support a limited range of Unicode characters or a limited set of OpenType features. Contact Linguist's Software about compatibility questions and about the availability of a non-Unicode version of this product that works in all applications.
  • bulletNotes
    1. bulletAll documentation, including a User's Manual and Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys) is in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF format. Users may view the documentation on screen or print it, using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it.

Purchase Now

LaserHebrew in Unicode for Macintosh $99.95 for the first product set; $50 for each additional product set; or $249.95 for LaserHebrew Professional in Unicode for Macintosh, containing all the fonts described above Order

Hebrew Scriptures in Unicode for Macintosh, the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, authorized by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. The Hebrew Scriptures text is provided in Microsoft Word and Mellel format files using the NewJerusalemU font (sold separately), but may be ordered with, and used with any of the above fonts except ScriptHebrewU. $59.95 Order

LaserHebrew in Unicode is also available in combination packages at discounted prices.
(Before you order please be sure you have read the System Requirements, above.)

Also available for use with LaserHebrew in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh:

  • bulletHebrew Scriptures in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh, the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, authorized by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
  • bulletLaserGreek in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh
  • bulletSemitic Transliterator in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh, for transliteration of Semitic languages and Greek.
  • bulletLaserAmharic in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh
  • Also Available: Non-Unicode Hebrew Fonts
    For non-Unicode versions of our Hebrew fonts, available for both Windows and Macintosh, see:

    bulletLaserHebrew bulletLaserHebrew II bulletHebrew Scriptures

    The LaserHebrew and LaserHebrew II non-Unicode fonts are not interchangeable with LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts. However, both Unicode and non-Unicode versions of LaserHebrew may be installed on your system (since they have different file and font names) and may even be used in the same documents.

    Also Available: Related Font Products

    Also Available: Keyboard Stickers

    • bulletAvailable from Latkey in various colors -Hebrew Keyboard Stickers for the modern Hebrew layout. (This link will open a new window.)
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    Here's what others are saying about LaserHebrew in UnicodeHere's what others are saying about LaserHebrew in Unicode:

    "Now I can type Hebrew properly using your superb font files. Thank you very much."
    Masaru Nagashima Richmond, B.C. Canada—Sept. 17,2014

    "After all you did for me, I have no more words to thank you; let me simply say in my mother tongue: J'aimerais vous exprimer ici toute l'admiration et la gratitude que je ressens devant ce magnifique ouvrage qu'est Linguist's Software, vous assurer de mon entière reconnaissance pour toutes les fontes que vous m'avez permis d'acquérir et vous dire combien j'ai apprécié vos courriels, si précis, rapides et courtois. Je souhaite longue et belle vie à la société si précieuse que vous avez fondée et vous prie d'agréer, cher Monsieur, mes bien cordiales salutations."
    Jean Lathion, Thônex, Switzerland

    "Thank you very much for your superb font files."
    Masaru Nagashima, Richmond, B.C., Canada

    "Many congratulations, Philip, for the incredible font families you have created. Your fonts are really the best."
    Professor Federico Giuntoli, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Vatican, Rome, Italy

    "I really do appreciate the opportunity to use your fonts in Reading the Sealed Book. The text looks great."
    J. Ross Wagner, Associate Professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School

    "Everything is perfect and is working well. Thank you for your goodness in putting forth perfection and the extra thought that makes me feel like I owe you all something even after I have paid the bill. Linguist's Software has far surpassed my expectations. You all have fulfilled everything I was hoping for with absolute perfection. I surely have the very best Hebrew fonts on the planet."
    Brian K. Smith, Smyrna, TN

    "I am truly thankful to have your product. You and your staff have been very clear, and professional; your skill and kindness leaves me with a compelling desire to express my thankfulness not only to you but to all who might read this note and that it might encourage them to purchase your products with confidence."
    Brian K. Smith, Wheaton, Ill.

    "The NewJerusalemU font is my favourite Hebrew font [and for Greek] LaserGreek OdysseaU is most beautiful of all!"
    Dr. Jean Urban Andres, SatzWeise, Germany

    "Your fonts are the best!"
    Bruce W. Neely, Alexandria, VA

    "Thank you for your beautiful fonts. You can of course quote my words: that's the truth!"
    Jean Lathion, Collonge-Bellerive, Switzerland

    "Thank you very much for your splendid array of products for Hebrew Bible and transliteration."
    Prof. Walter Houston, Mansfield College, Oxford University

    "Thanks so much! Your fonts, and your work in the texts of the Scripture, is excellent. Thank you so much for both."
    Albert Hembd, Trinitarian Bible Society, Plano, TX

    The LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts that I've been using for a while now are working wonderfully."
    Daniel Rodriguez, Houston Baptist University, Houston, Texas

    "Thank you for the amazing work you do. This program is very good. I really like your Hebrew keyboard. Thank you for the incredible contribution you have made to the Lord's work."
    Stephen Miller, Southhaven, Mississippi

    "Thanks so much! Your fonts, and your work in the texts of the Scripture, is excellent. Thank you so much for both."
    Albert Hembd, Trinitarian Bible Society, Plano, TX

    "Your fonts are beautiful. I think what Linguist's Software has done is beyond superlatives. This is your merit. You can quote me on this. I really mean it 1000%. What you have done is historical, and you should be proud of it. After 120 years, you could point your finger at that among other things."
    Rabbi Israel Seldowitz, President, GoHebrew and TalmudWorld

    "In 2005 I purchased the Hebrew Scriptures in Unicode with the LaserHebrew in Unicode fonts from you. I must say that I am very impressed. You have saved me hours of time every week in typing the Scriptures for exegesis and what joy I had lost is back again. I am so thankful to God for Linguist's Software, Dr. Payne and his staff. You even made it possible for me to read my UBS in the font I grew up with! Foolish of me, I suppose, but there is some comfort in that and it speeds up my recognition of things. Now my study materials and papers look like I had hoped they would. And I see that, if I should like a font that works well with whatever English fonts I have, that you are making those available too. Just excellent! You restore font-work to the eye-aiding practical art it should be. Thank you again. Gott bei Ihnen!"
    Rev. Bradley E. Ragner, BA, MDiv., Pastor Messiah Ev. Lutheran Church Shiocton, Wisconsin, USA

    "Vowel points and cantillation marks/ tropes show perfectly in the NewJerusalemU font. I have compared seven fonts I'm testing, using the first verses from Genesis (text from Mechon-Mamre). Only two show all accents, vowels, brackets, etc. correctly. Of these NewJerusalemU is the best. Aesthetically speaking, I also prefer the feeling of balance it offers, and the relationship in size of diacritics to consonants (closer to the consonant, thinner and undistracting, yet clear). NewJerusalemU does look beautiful....Your LaserHebrew in Unicode font works beautifully, placing accents and cantillation marks as fitting. It is easy on a Mac to use your fonts with both Mellel and XeteX. All the best!"
    Professor Gildas Hamel, University of California at Santa Cruz

    "I received the Hebrew software (fonts and BHS texts) yesterday and everything works very well. The ability to switch seamlessly between the two languages is wonderful!"
    John Nathan Clayton

    "We have used Linguist's Software fonts for several years, including your Greek and Hebrew fonts as well as your Semitic Transliterator. We have been pleased with the quality and functionality. I am impressed with the new Unicode versions of the fonts and I enjoy the added features. I am very pleased with it. Thank you!"
    Jacob Rawlins, Production Coordinator,
    Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts, BYU, Provo, UT

    "Thank you very much. I received all the files and everything works very fine. I have great pleasure with your products, the Hebrew BIBLE-Text and LaserHebrew in Unicode. Again I want to thank you for all your service and help. May GOD bless you and your work and products, because they gave me new inspiration and joy in reading and writing HIS HOLY SCRIPTURES. SHALOM"
    Christoph Metz, Cölbe, Germany

    "I want to compliment Linguist's Software on its Installation Manual and User's Manual. They are by far the best written and the easiest to understand of any software manuals I've seen in over 10 years."
    HB, Albuquerque, NM

    "Everything is working fine."
    Professor Nathan Jastram, Concordia University Wisconsin

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