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Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.

LaserCambodian in Unicode

LaserCambodian Fonts — Now Available in a Unicode-Encoded Version!

for Windows

for Macintosh

Welcome to LaserCambodian in Unicode for Windows and Macintosh (hereafter LaserCambodianU). This exciting product includes the CambodianLSU™ Unicode-encoded standard classical Cambodian typeface with all consonants, vowels and tone marks used in the modern Khmer language. The font is provided in plain (regular), bold, italic, and bold-italic styles in TrueType® OpenType™ format for Cambodian (Khmer) and English, plus other west European Latin-1 languages. This means you can type Cambodian and English (etc.) without changing fonts.

The CambodianLSU font is provided in 4 weights (typestyles).

The CambodianLSU font is provided in 4 weights (typestyles).

LaserCambodianU includes keyboard software allowing easy, logical input of Cambodian. It automatically positions vowels, tone marks, and other diacritics as you type. The product includes a phonetic software keyboard layout (keyboard driver or resource) with the Cambodian letters matched by sound as far as possible to the US keyboard. Keyboard support for English and other supported Latin languages is also provided.

The LaserLakota LakotaLS Keyboard See the CambodianLSU Keyboard Layout Chart in this pop-up.

LaserCambodianU for Windows and LaserCambodianU for Macintosh (which is still under construction) will be fully compatible with each other. Documents typed with these fonts may be transferred back and forth between Windows and Macintosh with no conversion necessary as long the fonts are installed on both computers, and compatible software is used. (Please be sure you understand the System Requirements for Windows and Macintosh before you order.)

Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

Please be sure you read the System Requirements for Windows or for Macintosh before ordering.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

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Supported Languages

LaserCambodian in Unicode supports the Cambodian (Khmer) language, plus the following dialects:

bulletPhnom Penh
bulletKhmer Surin (Northern Khmer)
bulletKhmer Krom (Southern Khmer)
bulletCardamom Khmer

Latin Languages supported by LaserCambodian in Unicode for Windows and Macintosh:

bulletAfrikaans bulletEnglish bulletIcelandic bulletSpanish
bulletBasque bulletFinnish bulletIndonesian bulletSwedish
bulletCatalan bulletFrench bulletItalian  
bulletDanish bulletGerman bulletNorwegian plus additional languages
bulletDutch bulletHawaiian bulletPortuguese covered by code page 1252
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Font Samples

CambodianLSU Italic
CambodianLSU Italic Sample

CambodianLSU Bold-Italic
CambodianLSU Bold-Italic Sample

CambodianLSU Plain (regular)
CambodianLSU Plain (regular) Sample

CambodianLSU Bold
CambodianLSU Bold Sample

Cambodian Text
CambodianLSU Text Sample
CambodianLSU Text Sample

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Read here about the Windows product, or scroll down for the Macintosh product.

LaserCambodian in Unicode for Windows

LaserCambodian in Unicode for Windows provides high-quality, Unicode-encoded Cambodian fonts (described above) in TrueType OpenType format for typing Cambodian (Khmer), plus English and other Latin-1 languages. LaserCambodian in Unicode for Windows includes two keyboard layouts that provide four-characters-per-key input (instead of the normal two) in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.

  • bulletThe CambodianLSU keyboard layout is a transliterated (phonetic) keyboard arrangement, with the Cambodian letters matched by sound as far as possible to the US keyboard.
  • bulletThe EnglishLS OT keyboard layout allows the user to type English and other western Latin-based languages easily, in applications that support OpenType features for Latin. (This includes Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003, LibreOffice, and OpenOffice.org 3.0 and newer.) The user types a letter, then the accent, and the keyboard software adds the accent, perfectly positioned. This keyboard allows the user to toggle from the CambodianLSU keyboard into the EnglishLS OT keyboard and type English, French, German, Spanish, etc., without changing fonts.

Windows System Requirements:

  • bulletOperating Systems
    1. bulletRequires Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or Windows XP
    2. bulletRequires installation into Windows XP of complex script supplemental language support. This requires your original Windows XP installation CD. Our Setup Instructions provide instructions for installing this Windows feature. (This feature is built into Windows Vista.)
    3. bulletThis product will not work in any earlier version of Windows (2000/NT/Me/98/95/3.x).
  • bulletApplications
    1. bulletRequires Microsoft Word 2013, 2010, 2007 or 2003, or LibreOffice, or OpenOffice.org 3.0 or newer, or another Unicode-compatible application that supports Cambodian.
    2. bulletOther components of Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003 (except PowerPoint 2003) are also compatible.
    3. bulletInDesign CS4 also supports Cambodian if World Tools or ScribeDOOR is installed.
  • bulletNotes
    1. bulletMicrosoft Office 2013 supports Cambodian in Windows 8 and 7. Office 2010, 2007 and 2003 support Cambodian in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP. LibreOffice and OpenOffice.org 3.0 support Cambodian in Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista.
    2. bulletThe fonts will print to any Windows printer at the highest quality allowed by the printer.
    3. bulletAll documentation, including a User's Manual, the Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys), and a Troubleshooting Manual, is in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF format. Users may view the documentation on screen or print it using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it. (Some documentation is in Word format.)
    4. bulletFiles created with these fonts will be fully compatible with the Macintosh version of LaserCambodian in Unicode when it is released. No conversion of files will be necessary when transferring files to the Macintosh if the system, font, and application requirements are met on both computers.

Cost: US$ 99.95 Order
(Before you order please be sure you have read the System Requirements, above.)

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LaserCambodian in Unicode for Macintosh

LaserCambodian in Unicode for Macintosh (still under construction) will provide high-quality, Unicode-encoded Cambodian fonts (described above) in TrueType® OpenType™ format for typing Cambodian (Khmer), plus English and other Latin-1 languages. LaserCambodian in Unicode for Macintosh will include a single Cambodian keyboard layout that provides four-characters-per-key input (instead of the normal two). The user will be able to switch between Cambodian and English just by pressing the Caps Lock key.

  • bulletThe CambodianLSU keyboard layout is a transliterated (phonetic) keyboard arrangement, with the Cambodian letters matched by sound as far as possible to the US keyboard.

Macintosh System Requirements:

  • bulletOperating Systems
    1. bulletWill Require Mac OS X 10.4 or higher.
  • bulletApplications
    1. bulletWill Require a Unicode-compatible application that supports Cambodian.
  • bulletNotes
    1. bulletAll documentation, including a User's Manual and Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys) is in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF format. Users may view the documentation on screen or print it, using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it.
    2. bulletFiles created with these fonts will be compatible with the Windows version of LaserCambodian in Unicode. No conversion of files will be necessary when transferring files to Windows if the system, font, and application requirements are met on both computers.

Cost: US$ 99.95 (not yet available)

(Before you order please be sure you have read the System Requirements, above.)

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Also Available

For non-Unicode versions of our Cambodian fonts, available for both Windows and Macintosh, see:

  • bulletLaserCambodian
  • bulletThe LaserCambodian non-Unicode fonts are not interchangeable with LaserCambodian in Unicode fonts. However, both Unicode and non-Unicode versions of LaserCambodian may be installed on your system (since they have different file and font names) and may even be used in the same documents.
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